Building a Breadboard Synthesizer With a Raspberry Pi and an Arduino Uno

There’s a lazy stereotype about middle-aged men that says that all we want to do is tinker with our gadgets. I’m doing very little to challenge it, which I guess is how I came to weather the pandemic by trying to build my own Raspberry Pi synthesizer. Building a breadboard synthesizer is a fun project […]
Raspberry Pi Unifi Controller Setup

Ubiquiti (and their Unifi gear) have become my go to for just about anything network related. Their gear is feature rich, rock solid, and seems to really “just work”. We couldn’t be bigger fans. Since Unifi gear runs a Software Defined Network (SDN), it is not configured like traditional routers and switches via a command-line […]
Raspberry Pi Syslog Server Setup
In this fun tutorial we’re going learn how to setup a Raspberry Pi syslog server using a Raspberry Pi and some free open source packages. It only takes a few minutes and it is incredibly useful! Syslog is short for System Logging Protocol. This protocol is used by computer systems to send local event logs […]
Setup a Raspberry Pi Minecraft Server
Minecraft is more fun when you have a server to play on. With a Minecraft server up and running, you and your friends can meet up and team up as you explore the same Minecraft world. But running a server can sometimes be a pain, too. Servers are best when they’re always on — you […]
How to Build a Raspberry Pi Weather Station
How’s the weather? With this DIY project, you’ll always have a very precise answer. Sure, you could check websites or smartphone apps, but why pass up the chance to build a Raspberry Pi weather station? This project is a great way to get used to dealing with the Sense HAT, Python scripts, and even web […]
The Best GPIO Tutorial for Raspberry Pi that We Could Write
You can do a lot with a Raspberry Pi even if you limit yourself to what comes on the board. But if you’re willing and able to learn how to use the Pi’s general-purpose input/output pins — or GPIO pins, for short — then you’ll be able to do so much more. If you’re new […]
RetroPie PS4 Controller Guide for the Raspberry Pi
You can set up a RetroPie on the cheap with just about any USB controller, including super-cheap options like these ones. But just because you can doesn’t mean that you should! RetroPie supports games that demand the use of additional shoulder buttons and joysticks, which the super-cheap USB controllers don’t always have. Besides, great games […]
How to Setup a Raspberry Pi Ad Blocker
Ads: who needs ’em? Well, this website needs them to keep the lights on. But you don’t need them, right? That’s why ad blockers, usually in the form of browser extensions, are so popular. The problem with browser extensions, though, is that they only work with certain browsers or on certain devices. What if you […]
Pi1541 Build
If you’re into retro-computing and have a Commodore 8-bit computer, such as the Commodore 64 or Commodore 128, you’re going to love this project! We’re going to do a Pi1541 build. The Commodore line of 8-bit computers used a disk drive called the Commodore 1541 (later the 1571 and 1581). This venerable drive is a […]
Sensor Wiki: KY-039 Heartbeat Sensor
This wiki article covers the KY-039 heartbeat sensor (sometimes called the KY-03 pulse sensor). Included are wiring diagrams, code examples, pinouts, and technical data. This sensor is designed for use in reliably detecting heartbeat or pulse rate using an Arduino or Raspberry Pi. Content Sensor Module Image Gallery Description and Technical Data The KY-039 heartbeat sensor is designed […]