Space Invaders Arcade Repair

I recently bought a really cool vintage Space Invaders arcade cabinet. It looks great. It’s in amazing shape for being 43 years old. However, the electronics side of it left a little to be desired. In this post we’re going to do a Space Invaders arcade repair and bring this cabinet back to life! Space […]
PETSCII Robots Arcade Cabinet Build
If you’re not familiar with a game called Attack of the PETSCII robots, it is a game created by my brother The 8-Bit Guy. It is a strategy game with a sci-fi theme, and plays somewhat similar to the Ultima games created by Richard Garriott although with many differences. PETSCII is the name of the […]
Making a Cocktail Table Arcade Cabinet
In this project, we’re going to make a cocktail table arcade cabinet that we think you’ll to love! I’ve wanted to build a cocktail table arcade since my very first arcade cabinet build back in July of 2015! A cocktail table arcade is something I always gravitated to as a kid. I think it was […]
Make a Wall Mount Arcade
Everyone is looking to save space these days, while still having a cool retro geek setup. A wall mount arcade is the perfect way to accomplish this! One of these awesome arcades (sometimes called a wall hanging arcade) is perfect for a bedroom, game room, media room, or even in your cave if your spouse […]
How to Make a Tabletop Arcade Cabinet
One of the things I get told a lot is that people want a retro arcade cabinet in their home but that they simply don’t have a lot of room for it. Even bartop arcades take up a significant amount of space in smaller homes and apartments. So in this video, we’re going to make […]
Raspberry Pi Commodore 64
I’ve built a lot of arcades and packed them with Raspberry Pi goodness over the years, but today’s project is going to be quite a bit different! We’re going to pack a Raspberry Pi running Retropie into a Commodore 64. A Raspberry Pi Commodore 64 is something that has been on my list of To-Dos […]
Make the Pacade (Bartop Retropie Arcade Cabinet)
About a year ago, I introduced my Bartop Arcade Cabinet Build. It was a big hit and I got so much great feedback from you guys! You guys really are the best audience ever. Well, today I’ve taken almost a years worth of feedback and used that to design and release an all new version […]
Make an iPad Arcade (Tablet Arcade) FAIL
My arcade projects are some of the funnest projects I have done, and my fans have told me the same! Many of my loyal fans have built their own versions of my full-size arcade cabinet and my bartop arcade cabinet. Some of my fans though have been clear that one of these cabinets is just […]
Setting up RetroPie on a Raspberry Pi 3
This is without a doubt the most requested video/article in the history of The Geek Pub. No seriously. Each of the arcade cabinet videos and my inbox is littered with people asking me to do a video on installing the hardware and software on the inside of the cabinet. Well for those of you who […]
Build a RetroPie Bartop Arcade Cabinet
Making my retro Arcade Cabinet last summer was one of my all time favorite projects. It been one of my most popular videos ever, and many of you have sent me awesome pictures cabinets you built that were based on my arcade cabinet plans. One piece of feedback that I have gotten over and over […]