The Best Speaker Wire

The debate of cables and wires for home audio and video has raged on for decades. It got really heated a few years ago when Monster Cable started selling cables at 2X to 100X the price of other cables. This makes it really difficult to determine which is the best speaker wire for your system. […]
What is a tar.gz File? How Do I Open a tar.gz File?

OK! So you’ve downloaded a file from the internet and it ends in tar.gz. Windows doesn’t seem to be able to open it. What is a tar.gz file? How do you even open this file? What is a tar.gz File? A tar file is a collection of files archived into one single file. The name is […]
Are Smart Locks Safe?
It is probably one of the most common questions I get when I tell people I have a fully enabled smart home. People are really insecure when it comes to the security of internet connected devices, especially when they involve security of your home and family. And can you blame them? There’s another website breach […]
The Best Smart Locks
There’s a large selection of smart locks on the market, from complete replacements to kits that convert existing locks into smart devices. There’s a lot to understand about these kits, and truth about the best smart locks isn’t always obvious. Let’s take a quick although of the best smart locks on my recommendations lists and […]
Why I Stopped Selling the WANBOX
Many of you know that for a while I was selling a product called the WANBOX. The WANBOX is a 6 port full gigabit capable router/firewall box based on the Intel Atom E3845 processor. It’s fantastically capable and relatively inexpensive for it’s feature set. As some of you have noticed it is out of stock […]