An Introduction to the Arduino

In this tutorial, we’re going to do an introduction to the Arduino! I think a lot of people confuse them with the Raspberry Pi line of single board computers, and they are very different products that do similar but different things. I’m sure if you’re even the slightest bit geeky or at all into DIY […]
Arduino Ultrasonic Sensor Tutorial

The ultrasonic sensor is one of the most common sensors used in Arduino projects. It’s one of those must have sensors for many projects that require inputs for navigation. For example, an Arduino RC car or other robot will likely need an ultrasonic sensor to measure how close it is to a wall or other […]
Arduino Traffic Light Project
One of the very first projects almost all people do when they get an Arduino is to make the traffic light project. It’s an incredibly simple project but it teaches you some of the most relevant fundamentals of the Arduino. We’re going to make the Arduino traffic light project in this tutorial, step by step […]