Tour of My Home Network (and More!)

So I have had a ton of requests over the years to give a tour of my home network. Honestly, I never gave the tour because I just didn’t think people would be that interested in what I had. Well I have had enough requests to get the idea that some of you really do […]
pfSense not Recovering after WAN Failure

pfSense is probably the best open source firewall/router software package I have ever used. It’s packed full of professional feature sets and has a very polished and clean user interface (web based GUI). And its FREE. That’s right. It’s 100% free (you can buy a support agreement if you want to). pfSense will run on […]
Ethernet Switch Between the ONT and the Router (FiOS)
When FiOS was first launched by Verizon it was a glorious time. The city I live in (Keller, TX) was the first city in the nation to get FiOS! It was fantastic. The fastest stuff on the block was DSL from Verizon or AT&T at 1.5Mb/s down and 128 Kb/s up and it wasn’t reliable […]